At FundYourTrading (referred to as "the Company," "we," "us," or "our"), we have established this privacy policy to delineate how we collect and handle data. Your use of our Services signifies your acceptance of these procedures and terms regarding personal data. Should you have inquiries or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us at If you disagree with our practices, you are advised not to use our Services.

Types of Information Collected
We acquire personal information from you willingly when you sign up for our Services, express interest in our offerings, participate in our activities, or communicate with us.
The scope of personal information we collect depends on your interactions, choices, and usage of our products/features, including, but not limited to:

Full names
Contact numbers
Email addresses
Home addresses
Billing details
Social Media Username(s)

Sensitive Data: We refrain from collecting sensitive data like social security numbers, as they are not essential for our operations.
Payment Details: For transactions, we may collect necessary payment information such as your payment method's number and security code. Our payment processors, who adhere to their privacy policies available on their websites, handle the storage of this information.
We rely on the accuracy and completeness of the information you provide. You are responsible for updating us on any changes to your personal information.

Automatic Information Collection
We automatically collect certain information during your use of our Services. This information, which doesn't directly reveal your identity (like your name or contact details), may include device and usage statistics, IP address, browser types, operating systems, language preferences, referring URLs, device names, location data, and other technical information. This data aids in ensuring our Services' security and functionality and serves internal analysis and reporting.
We, like many businesses, use cookies and similar technologies to gather information.

Information We Collect Includes:
Log and Usage Data: Our servers automatically record information when you access or use our Services. This includes IP addresses, device specifics, browser types and settings, activity details within the Services, such as page views, search queries, and timestamps, and device event information like system activity and error reports.

Processing Your Information
We process your personal data for various purposes, depending on how you interact with our Services. These include: Seeking feedback and communicating about your Service usage
Protecting vital interests, such as preventing harm
Legal Grounds for Processing

We process your personal data only when necessary and based on valid legal grounds, including your consent, compliance with laws, service provision, contract fulfilment, rights protection, or our legitimate business interests, as detailed in our Terms & Conditions and to guard against fraud.

EU or UK Users
Under GDPR and UK GDPR, we process your data based on:
Consent: We process data with your explicit consent for specific purposes. You can withdraw this consent anytime by contacting us at
Legitimate Interest: We use data for our legitimate business interests, ensuring they don't override your rights.
Legal Obligation: We process data to comply with legal requirements.
Vital Interests: We process data to protect your or others' vital interests in emergencies.

Canada Residents
We process your data based on express or implied consent, which can be withdrawn at any time. In certain circumstances, as permitted by law, we may process your data without consent.

Sharing Your Personal Information
We may share your information in scenarios like business transfers, working with third-party vendors to provide Services, and as part of our Terms & Conditions to prevent fraud.

Use of Cookies and Tracking Technologies
We utilize cookies and similar technologies (like web beacons, pixels) for information access and storage. Our Cookie Notice elaborates on these practices and options for opting out of certain cookies.
We employ tracking methods such as Google AdWords, Meta Advertising, and Google Analytics to collect data on website interactions.

Data Retention
Your personal data is retained only as long as necessary or legally permissible for purposes like tax, accounting, or other legal obligations. We then delete or anonymize your data, or, if not feasible, securely store and restrict access to it.

Data Security
We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard your personal data. However, no system is infallible, and we cannot assure complete security against unauthorized access or breaches.
You are also responsible for the security of data you transmit via our Services. Ensure a secure environment when using our Services.

Information Collection from Minors
We do not knowingly collect data from individuals under 18. By using our services, you confirm you are over 18 or are the parent/guardian of a minor with your consent.
If we discover data from minors, we will delete it and disable their accounts. Please inform us at if you are aware of such data collection.

Your Privacy Rights
Depending on your region, you may have rights like accessing, correcting, or deleting your personal information, limiting processing, data portability, and objecting to data processing under certain conditions.
For concerns, reach out to us. Residents of the European Economic Area or the UK can approach their local data protection authority for complaints. Swiss residents can find information at the specified website.
Withdrawing Consent: You can withdraw your consent for data processing at any time.

Opting Out of Communications
To unsubscribe from marketing emails, use the link provided in our communications. We may still send you non-marketing messages.

Account Information
To modify or close your account, update your settings or contact us. We will deactivate or delete your account upon request, but some information may be retained for legal purposes.

Cookies and Technologies:
You can remove or reject cookies, which may affect Service features. Opt-out of interest-based ads at the specified website.
For privacy queries, email us at

Do-Not-Track Features
We do not currently respond to DNT signals due to the lack of a universal standard. We will update our policy if standards change.

California Residents' Privacy Rights
California residents have specific rights. Minors under 18 with registered accounts can request data removal. Email us at to initiate this process, including a residency confirmation. Note that removal from public display does not equate to complete data deletion from all systems.

CCPA Privacy Statement
Under the California Code of Regulations, the term “resident” encompasses:
(1) individuals present in California for reasons beyond temporary or short-term purposes, and
(2) individuals who have a permanent residence in California but are presently outside the state temporarily for short-term reasons.
Individuals falling outside this definition of “resident” are categorized as “non-residents.” If you qualify as a “resident” as per this classification, there are specific rights and duties applicable to your personal data.

Usage and Disclosure of Your Personal Data
For comprehensive information regarding our practices of data collection and sharing, kindly consult our privacy statement. To contact us, you may email, visit, or refer to the contact details at the end of this document.
Should you opt to employ an authorized agent for opting out, be aware that we reserve the right to deny the request if your agent fails to present adequate verification of their authorization to represent you.

Will We Share Your Data with Others?
Your personal data might be shared with our service providers as per the conditions specified in our agreements with them. These providers are commercial entities that manage data on our behalf, adhering to the stringent privacy protocols of the CCPA.
Your personal data may be utilized for internal business functions, like innovation development and research demonstrations, but this does not constitute "selling" your data.
In the previous 12 months, our Company has neither disclosed, sold, nor shared any personal data with external parties for business or commercial reasons. We do not intend to sell or share personal data of site visitors, users, or other individuals in the future.

Your Personal Data Rights

Right to Request Data Deletion - Request to Erase
You can request the erasure of your personal data. We will honor such requests, with exceptions as per legal stipulations, such as (but not limited to) instances where another individual is exercising their free speech rights, where legal compliance is necessary, or when it's essential for thwarting unlawful activities.

Right to Information - Request to Know
You have the right to be informed about:
The collection and usage of your personal data,
The categories of personal data we collect,
The purposes behind collecting the personal data,
The sharing or selling of personal data with third parties,
The kinds of personal data that were sold, shared, or disclosed for business objectives,
The third parties to whom the personal data was sold, shared, or disclosed for business reasons,
The reason behind collecting, selling, or sharing personal data,
The specific personal data we have gathered about you. By law, we are not required to provide or delete consumer data that has been anonymized in response to a consumer request, nor re-identify individual data for verifying a consumer's request.

Right to Non-Discrimination for Exercising Privacy Rights
We will not discriminate against you for exercising your privacy rights. You have the right to restrict the use and disclosure of your sensitive personal data, and we do not process sensitive personal data of consumers.

Verification Procedure
To verify your identity upon receiving your request, we might need to confirm that you are the individual to whom the data pertains. This verification might involve requesting specific information that correlates with what we already possess.
For example, depending on your request type, we might ask for particular verification details, or contact you through a previously used communication channel, such as phone or email. We may use other verification methods as appropriate.
The personal data you supply in your request is solely for verifying your identity and authority to make the request. We strive to minimize the need for additional verification data.
Should our existing data be inadequate for verification, we may request further information for identity confirmation and security or fraud prevention. Once verification is complete, any supplementary data provided will be promptly deleted.

Additional Privacy Rights
You can object to the processing of your personal data.
You can request correction of your inaccurate or outdated personal data, or request limited processing.
You may appoint an authorized agent to submit a CCPA request on your behalf, but we may reject the request if the agent fails to prove their authorization.
You can request that your personal data not be sold or shared with third parties in the future. We will address your opt-out request within 15 days of receiving it. To exercise these rights, contact us at, visit, or use the contact information provided at the end of this document. If you have concerns about how we handle data, we welcome your feedback.

Updates to This Notice
We may periodically update this privacy notice, with the revised version indicated by a new “Revised” date and taking immediate effect upon publication. Significant changes may be communicated through a conspicuous notice or direct notification. Regularly reviewing this notice is recommended to stay informed about how we protect your data.

Contacting Us Regarding This Notice
For inquiries or comments about this notice, please contact us at
Reviewing, Updating, or Deleting Your Collected Data
Depending on your local laws, you may have rights to access, update, or delete the personal data we have collected from you. To exercise these rights, please send your request to
Contact Us
Contact us
Risk Warning
All materials and communications distributed by DICI & BEGG PARTNERS - FZCO, operating under the name FundYourTrading, along with its associated entities (hereafter referred to as the “Company”), are intended solely for informational purposes. The content provided by the Company should not be taken as (a) investment guidance, (b) an invitation or an inducement to engage in buying or selling, or (c) an endorsement, approval, or promotion of any specific securities, firms, or investment funds. Testimonials presented might not be indicative of the experiences of other clients and do not assure any future success or results. FundYourTrading does not function as a brokerage firm and does not hold client funds. Fees collected are allocated towards covering operational expenses, including but not limited to employee salaries, technology, and other corporate expenditures. FundYourTrading does not engage in any activities that are regulated; its primary focus is on providing education about trading, which does not necessitate regulatory oversight.

Notably, certain high-performing traders who succeed in the evaluation stages may have their trades from simulated trading accounts mirrored onto live/real capital accounts. However, these traders will continue to operate within a simulated account environment.

Regarding Hypothetical Performance: We use demonstration accounts for our services. It's important to acknowledge that such hypothetical performance results have certain limitations, primarily that they do not mirror actual trading activities. There is no assurance that any account will match or can realistically achieve the profits or losses similar to those shown. Indeed, real outcomes may vary drastically from those forecasted in our hypothetical scenarios. Such hypothetical results may benefit from hindsight, ignore financial risk, and do not take into account the impact of financial risk in actual trading scenarios. For example, the ability to sustain losses or adhere to a trading strategy in spite of trading losses are material factors that could adversely affect actual results. Additionally, numerous market conditions and elements that are not factored into the preparation of hypothetical performance could also significantly alter real trading outcomes. Note that we do not provide targeted investment advice, business consulting, or evaluations of investment possibilities, nor do we offer generic trading or investment strategy recommendations. Financial market trading involves substantial risk, and we recommend that individuals not risk more capital than they can afford to lose. Accounts operated by FundYourTrading are simulated, using real market data provided by liquidity sources, and are not actual trading accounts.
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